Youth Hostel Verona
The Hostel is located in an important medieval building which dates back to the X and XI centuries and used to be an aristocratic and elegant residence for important religious and secular people. Recenti scavi, effettuati in occasione del restauro dell’immobile, hanno portato alla luce reperti e resti di insediamenti risalenti all’età del bronzo (XIV° – XII° Sec a. C).
In 1424 the building joined the monastery of Santa Chiara and remained as such, with alternate vicissitudes, until the 60s of last century.
In 1974 the whole mansion, which was in a state of neglect, was acquired by the Municipality of Verona and in 1997 it was given in management to the Centro di Cooperazione Giovanile Internazionale so that it could open a Youth Hostel and a Cultural Center.
In the years 2000 the Association has had the part of the building which hosts the Hostel restored and has recently renovated the Choir of the Church of Santa Chiara so that it can become a Cultural Centre.
The residence is in the centre of Verona, in one of the oldest and most fascinating areas of the town near the Hill of San Pietro Castle and the Roman Theater. Il Centro affidatario, associazione senza scopo di lucro, ha inaugurato nell’anno 2000 le opere di restauro dell’edificio medievale.
Recentemente, sempre a cura del Centro, è stato completato il restauro della parte della chiesa già utilizzata come coro e dedicata ora a Centro culturale per gli ospiti dell’ostello e per i giovani in visita alla città.